【同义词辨析】 2019-09-10 摇晃shake-convulse
shake: often carries a further implication of purpose: ~ well before using. 正式场合可以用use代替drink,如could I use some water?我可以喝点水么 过去式shook
agitate: suggests a violent and prolonged tossing or stirring: strong winds ~d the leaves on the trees. (toss 1、轻抛投掷to throw in a quick, light, careless, and usually upward motion, 如tosses her racket on the bed把她球拍抛到床上,如she tossed me a box of matches她丢给我一盒火柴 2、摇动to move back and forth or up and down,如海上的船our boat was being tossed by the huge waves我们的船随着巨浪颠簸,如a storm-tossed sea波涛汹涌的大海)
rock: suggests a swinging or swaying motion that is likely to result from violent impact or upheaval: the entire city was ~ed by the explosion. (swing摆动, 指一端被固定的物体在弧线上移动implies a movement through an arc of something attached at one end or one side,如the door suddenly swung open门突然(摆)开了,sway强调是慢慢摆动晃动implies a slow swinging or teetering movement,如the bridge swayed a little and then fell桥微微摇晃然后垮了) (impact冲击冲撞the action of one object hitting another,如craters made by meteorite impacts陨石撞击而成的陨石坑,如the impact blew out some of the windows and the sea came rushing in巨大的冲击力使一些窗户崩碎,海水涌了进来,如《Deep impact天地大冲撞》是1998年一部电影,这个词还形象地比喻巨大影响powerful effect,如the environmental impact of tourism旅游业对环境的巨大影响,如they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country他们预期会议对国家的未来会产生显著影响,如her speech made a profound impact on everyone她的讲话对每个人都产生了深远的影响) (heave用力向上抬沉重的东西,upheaval动荡剧变动乱refers to a big change which causes a lot of trouble, confusion, and worry,如wherever there is political upheaval, invariably there are refugees哪里有政治动乱,哪里就有难民) rock and roll摇滚
convulse: suggests a violent pulling or wrenching as of a body in a paroxysm: we were ~ed with laughter. (wrench猛拉猛拧猛拽、扳手to twist, to pull violently,如he felt two men wrench the suitcase from his hand他感觉有两个人在使劲拽他手里的手提箱) (paroxysm阵发,突然反复的症状sudden occurrence and recurrence of a symptom,如paroxysms of fear突发阵阵恐惧)
shake摇动: 指动作有目的性,agitate摇动: 表示剧烈持续的摇动搅动,rock摇摆: 表示由于冲击动荡而摇晃,convulse抽搐全身抖动: 表示剧烈抽搐拉拽,好像身体阵发症状
记忆方法: 1) 首字母SARC是scar伤口<==摇晃
2) 摇晃的意思是上下来回剧烈移动mean to move up and down or to and fro with some violence.首字母SARC是scar伤口<==摇晃